Vaping and Nicotine

90 percent of youth in Western North Carolina do not use nicotine vapes (youth surveys, 2023).

Nicotine vapes can pose risks to youth who do use them:

  • Nicotine is highly addictive, and youth who vape may become addicted more quickly because of higher nicotine concentrations and frequency of use (FDA, Tobacco Free Kids).
  • Studies have shown that youth who use e-cigarettes are more likely to try regular cigarettes and become regular cigarette users (Tobacco Free Kids).
  • Nicotine can worsen symptoms of anxiety and depression (Truth Initiative)

Mountain Strong’s programs to prevent and reduce youth use of nicotine vapes include:

  • Ad campaigns aimed at adult caregivers, including parents and guardians
  • An ad campaign, currently in development, aimed at youth and highlighting peer non use as a the prevailing norm
  • Support for organizations to use AVOID, an interactive, online curriculum shown to be effective at reducing risk for youth vaping
  • Presentations 

The Good News:

2 out of 3 young people who currently use e-cigarettes want to quit and are thinking about doing so.

There is help for young people who want to quit. Programs for quitting include:

  • Live Vape Free, available through the North Carolina Tobacco Quitline and Rally Health  
  • Ex Program, available through the Truth Initiative