Ross Awarded in Clay County

A huge congratulations to Lorrie Ann Ross, a preventionist with Mountain Strong, for being named the 2024 Champion for Children for Clay County! This special honor, awarded by the Region A Partnership for Children, recognizes her tireless dedication to improving the lives of children and families in our community.
With 14 years of experience in prevention, Lorrie is a true expert in building resilience and creating trauma-informed spaces. She works with coalitions, schools, and youth organizations to help individuals and families heal and thrive. Her commitment to reducing substance misuse and promoting resilience has touched countless lives across the far western mountains of North Carolina.
Lorrie’s compassion and positivity shine through everything she does, and this award is a well-deserved recognition of her selflessness and hard work. As part of her award, she chose to support Matt’s Ministry, a children’s food pantry in Clay County, with a donation from the Carolina Trust for Children and Youth.
Prevention manager, Libby Ray, put it best: “Lorrie has dedicated her life and career to leaving the world a better place. We’re so happy to see her recognized for the incredible impact she has made.”