Tag: teens

It Gets Better Project (LGBTQ)

The It Gets Better Project is a nonprofit organization with a mission to uplift, empower, and connect lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer youth around the globe. Growing up isn’t easy, especially when you are trying to affirm and assert your sexual orientation and/or gender identity. It can be a challenging and isolating process – but, the good news is, no one has to do it alone.


The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy

The goal of Stay Teen is to encourage you to enjoy your teen years and avoid the responsibilities that come with too-early pregnancy and parenting. The more you know about issues like sex, relationships, abstinence, and birth control, the better prepared you’ll be to make informed choices for your future. We’re not telling you how to live your life…we just want to give you some food for thought and the latest facts. It’s up to you to make your own smart decisions. (https://stayteen.org)

National Association for Children of Alcoholics

If you are dealing with a parent who abuses alcohol or drugs — or have a relative or friend who does — we’re here to help. NACoA offers resources for everyone, including providing support for professionals with tools and training in order to better support individuals in pain due to alcohol and drug dependency in their families. We offer a variety of programs and products uniquely designed to offer support and assist you at home or in the workplace. (https://nacoa.org)

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