Parents play a key role in preventing and responding to bullying. If you know or suspect that your child is involved in bullying, there are several resources that may help. (
A nationally representative U.S. study shows that 17 percent of all students reported having been bullied “sometimes” or more often within a school term. This amounts to almost one in five students. And, for every case reported to school officials, there are many more bullied students who suffer in silence. (
SAMHSA’s underage drinking prevention campaign helps parents and caregivers start talking to their children early about the dangers of alcohol. (
There’s a reason that teenagers act the way they do. Understanding the brain science behind teenage behavior can help parents better prepare their kids to avoid drugs and alcohol. (
The goal of Stay Teen is to encourage you to enjoy your teen years and avoid the responsibilities that come with too-early pregnancy and parenting. The more you know about issues like sex, relationships, abstinence, and birth control, the better prepared you’ll be to make informed choices for your future. We’re not telling you how to live your life…we just want to give you some food for thought and the latest facts. It’s up to you to make your own smart decisions. (
Failure to show up for the first class session on time will automatically result in forfeiting of all fees.
Notify Mountain Projects Prevention Staff, (828) 586-2345 ext.8, at least one hour prior to the start of class, if you are not able to attend a scheduled class session. Failure to do so will result in the forfeiture of all fees.
Once beginning class sessions, in the event you cannot attend a following class session, your absence will prevent you from completing the course sequence you started. If you notify us per above, your registration will be transferred to the next available course sequence containing an open seat and you may pick up where you left off, attending the class sessions you lack. You can only be rescheduled once. If you miss a second class session, all fees will be forfeited.
No refunds if class sessions are missed once a course sequence has begun.
Individuals must attend all class sessions in sequence to receive a completion certificate.
Certificates are awarded for completing 12 hours of curriculum. The following behaviors will not be permitted:
Tardiness or leaving early
Use of electronic devices
Side conversations
Disruptive behavior
Disrespect toward one another or staff
*Individuals may not attend our courses while under the influence of substances. Attending class under the influence will trigger a recommendation to Vaya Health for a Substance Use Assessment.
All communication with your attorney or the Assistant District Attorney is the sole responsibility of the individual.
Registration Confirmation will serve as proof of registration
Certificate will serve as proof of course completion